Monday, July 18, 2011

My Studio....Finally!!! Part Three: nooks and crannies

Last but not least, some of my favorite details and nooks and crannies in the studio...

I love drawers with lots of little divided sections for lots of little goodies to hide in.

This is one of my favorite ways to display vintage photos and ephemera.  Old metal hangers have more uses than just holding clothes.

I made this shadow box to showcase little vintage toys.  It doesn't serve much purpose except to make me smile, so I guess that is purpose enough.  We all need to smile more.

Inside one of the Hoosier side cabinets.  The bottom shelf is all vintage birthday party items.

This is a box, with three drawers that are each divided into many little sections.  The box alone makes me happy, but then fill it with little art supplies and goodies and oh what a happy box!

Sparkly glass glitter and some modern Martha Stewart glitter as well.

Vintage glass canning jelly jars full of a rainbow of vintage buttons inside one of the apothecary drawers.

Another happy drawer in the apothecary full of vintage ribbon and lace bits.

These boards are from a vintage receipt book.  The book was made of many of these metal pages with the spring loaded clips to keep a salesman's or storekeeper's receipts organized.  I clip happy little bits of ephemera to it, both for organization and for eye candy.

This vintage display rack was a happy birthday present from a good friend and is perfect for organizing my vintage postcard collection.  The little collapsible metal basket next to it was once used for gathering eggs, but now it a great holder for my adhesives.

Happy rolls of vintage wall paper on the apothecary shelves along with vintage berry baskets and cigar boxes.

I'll end the tour with a peek into this happy drawer of vintage labels of all sorts.  I am always afraid to use these, since when they are gone, they are really gone, so I am pretty choosy about what I use them for.

Well that's the studio.  Hope you enjoyed the tour.  I'd love your feedback, now that I finally showed it all to you.  Thanks for stopping by to visit.

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