Tuesday, August 16, 2011

More from the market

Thought I'd show you two more of my projects that debuted at the market this past weekend. The first was this cute little folding table and two folding chairs.  Here is a quick peek back at them in their original state.

I repainted the chairs with a fresh coat of black and made little linen slip covers for the chair tops and stamped each one with a numeral word.

I painted the folding table with an almond color and a chalkboard top.

With the chalkboard, you could draw the place setting instead of using place mats, write out the menu, take votes for your favorite wine or baked good, play games at dinner, have all your guests sign in, and so much more.  It's a fun set and was fun to make.

Another project new for this market was  a collection of dishtowels made from stained or torn vintage tablecloths.  I cut out and hemmed unspoiled sections of the old cloths and added a hanging loop to each one.

At first I was hesitant to cut into them, but then I realized that I was doing exactly what my vintage fore mothers would have done, saving as much of an old worn thing as possible and putting it to a new and worthy use.  I am living up to my vintage aspirations.  They are not only practical but so pretty.

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