Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Taking Kayleigh to Visit RPI

Last week, I took Kayleigh for her second visit to her 1st choice of colleges, RPI (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) in Troy, NY.  Her first visit was to check the school out.  This second visit gave her the opportunity to talk to a professor in the mechanical engineering department (where she wants to major) and make a positive impression on an admissions advisor.  She will be doing the early application and we will hear by December 10th if she has been accepted.  Wish her well!!

While we were enjoying a snack together on a bench outside the engineering building, a nursing mama squirrel approached us and 'asked' for a bit of our muffin bites.  We gladly obliged her.  She came nearly to our hands to take the treat, and sat nearby eating before running back up her tree to her waiting babes.

And I had to capture these lovely blooms in a photo to share with you.  There are lovely plantings all over the campus and most were still in prolific bloom.  Such a wonderful atmosphere.  We enjoyed a lovely day together with lots of catching up on the drive there and back.  Can't believe my girl is off to college next fall!

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