Friday, December 2, 2011

Getting the Christmas Tree

Our family has always had the tradition of going for the tree (the Christmas tree) the Friday after Thanksgiving.  We returned home from the cottage Friday morning and headed out after lunch to the tree farm we have been going to for the last 15 years.  They have acres of beautiful treed land with carefully groomed trees just waiting for a family to come lay claim. 

Off we go up the hill in search of the perfect tree.

VOILA.  The girls found a good one!

It's Fritz's dad-job to cut it down.

Loaded in the truck and ready to journey home.

A second tradition we have had for the last 10 years is to have our friend Britney (almost a third daughter- she was my mother's helper for years when the girls were young, and we have stayed close all these years) over on the Saturday morning after the tree is up and lit, to help decorate the tree.  Christmas music is playing and hot cocoa and a yummy baked treat are at the ready.  It is a very special day for us.

So pretty, and we get to enjoy it for the coming month.

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