Thursday, May 31, 2012

Vintage Mail

Well, again I find myself saying "Hello" after being away from blogging for a bit.  I would like to promise to become more regular again, but honestly, that may not happen.  Life is busy, busy, busy and I am happy, happy, happy doing all sorts of things these days.  My oldest just graduated high school, my youngest getting ready for finals and we are busy planning her transition to homeschooling next year, my gardens are calling out for my attention, my house is still in remodeling flux (new flooring thru out, next on the agenda), and a summer unfolding before our eyes.  Bustling around always, but content!

Thought I'd share a couple photographs with you I took this evening.  Threw together a super quick display and really like it.  I love old mail.  Love the penmanship, the postage stamps, the cancellation marks, the signs of reading and rereading or folding to keep in a pocket, all of it.  Grabbed several samples from my collection to put on display in the kitchen.  So here you go!

Aren't they fun.  A happy way to end a happy day.

Hope you're finding your joy!
Thanks for sticking with me and stopping by.

1 comment:

Modern Donna said...

I'm so glad to are busy with pleasant things and enjoying your family.
I too love the penmanship. At some of our local schools they are starting to remove cursive from the curriculum. I find this very unsettling. Not only is it a beautiful way to communicate but how will future generations be able yo read the history and documents our country was founded on?