Thursday, July 7, 2011

Flowers - A - Bloomin

The gardens are so pretty.  We had a good dose of rain and now with a good dose of sun, everything is looking soooooo pretty.  Remember the hydrangea buds in a previous post?  Well they're breaking out in blooms!  Love the robin's egg blue hue mixed with the cream and pale green.

Look at the raindrops on the petals.  A quick passing shower left these little rain kisses behind.

Amazing!  Look at the detail of these little flowers.  They are smaller than a pencil eraser and cover the winter berry bush they are on by the thousands.  God's orchestration of nature never ceases to awe me with it's completeness and grand details.

This last one is taken from underneath my fuchsia blooms. Oh, it is all just so pretty...........

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