Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Little Things Make Me Happy

Sunday's flea market did not produce enough booty to bother showing you.  I think the hot weather has everything slowed down.  And while it was disappointing, I am looking forward to a potentially good estate sale this Wednesday.  I'll let you know how it goes.  In the meantime, despite being a little too busy, I find I am surrounded by little momentary bursts of happiness all around me.  So what makes me happy?  Here are some of them to share with you.

My girls!!!  Even as teenagers, they love to climb a good tree.  They enjoyed this fantastic weeping willow on the shores of one of the finger lakes in New York state this weekend at a family reunion.

Vintage Sears and Roebuck catalogs.  Found these in my travels this weekend.  Love the graphics.  You can even order chickens for your coop!!  I'll take a red bicycle, metal garden chair,  new stove and 6 chicks please!

Ahh yes!  Combine a great set of vintage metal lockers with my favorite side of the road sign posting, "FREE" and it is  happy day!  Some restorative paint and they'll be good to go to the Market next week.

Nature at work in my zinnia bed.  The zinnias are blooming beautifully now and the bees are so happy to buzz around them in their buzzy bee way.  Notice the bee hinney peeking out on the lower right.  Now there is a busy bee!

And lastly, but not least by any means, are these lovely pieces of artwork sent to me by my young nieces.  As a mom of young children, I was presented with artwork every day.  And while I always smiled and thanked them profusely, since it was a regular happening, I didn't always truly appreciate it.  I kind of took it for granted.  It has been a long time since a child made a picture for me, and getting these reminded me just how much I miss the innocent love offerings of the little people in our lives.  These are proudly posted inside my cabinets so every time I open them I see there sweetness and feel a hug from a far.  Thank you Ellee and Addy!  Auntie Tera LOVES you soooooooo much!!!

Hope you all have a lot of little "happies" along your path this week too.

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